Jesus Walked This Earth

For He,

Who walked this Earth,

The only Son of God.

Jesus Christ...

I Pray For Humanity

The God who is only Good                                              

The God who wishes for Love and Peace

The God who loves every Child of His Making

I pray for You

I pray for Humanity

(extract from poem by maryla wilson)

You Love Red Hair Girls

Maryla Wilson Art
  You look lousy!                                                                
I mean it.
        And you look great!
        I mean it too.
Why are you sooo nice?
It gets to me!
       Really? Why are you
       so bitter? Grumpy head!
Aha! not so nice now,
are we? Miss red head!
       Oh, so you like my
       red hair, do you? See,
       you are nice too!
No, I am not! I just
called you red head!
       Get it?
Yes, I do. It is obvious, you love red hair girls
(extract from poem by maryla wilson)

My Perfect Child

extract from poem and "Child" oil
painting by Maryla Wilson
My Child. Little Bundle Of Joy.
You Were Born On One Miracle Day.
So Very Tiny,
So Very special, So Very Perfect.
I Will Look Down At You Asleep.
Admiring Your Being Of Sheer Perfection.
So Privileged To Be Your Mother.
Do Not Ever Grow Up My Child...

The Perfect Greed Money Machine

The Perfect Greed Money Machine.
Exploiting Shamelessly the Masses..
CEO's, Banks, Telcos, Corporations
And The Likes.
The Masters of Human Suffering.
Countless Lives Sacrificed.
In the Name of Shareholders
And Greedy Ones.
In the name of a $ Buck.
What Makes You the Deserving
Owners of Wealth ?
Why You Claim Luxury as Your Own ?
You Lie, You Cheat, You Exploit!
How Can You Sleep with Masses
Of Suffering Beneath Your Bloody Bed?
       Your Soul With Your Karma,
       Will Not Forge Forgiveness.
       For Your Ruthless Actions
       You Will Assuredly Pay.
Enough, Enough! Lets Share The Bread and Wealth
We All Deserve. Lets Heal The Hunger of
Our Brothers, Sisters And Children.
Lets Save Our Human Face...
(extract from poem and artwork by maryla wilson) 

Judgment Day

Fingers, fingers pointing.                                  
It's blown up into your face.
Tears of sorrow
Flooding down upon red cheeks.
Watching, remembering
Snippets of painful memories.
Experiences of regret today.
Random blunt bullets of truths,
Targeting  the center of
Broken heart.
Shattered into millions
Of sharp judgments.
Shivering sweat.
Wake up. Shock.
Eyes wide open .
Haunting nightmare.
Another chance...
Judgement Day to come...
(extract from poem and 
artwork by maryla wilson)

A Noble Man

He, who can stand high and tall.                                    

A Noble man, who did not know yesterday,

That he will be present today...

For he is the man,

Who stands on the pedestal of Humanity...

(extract from poem and artwork by maryla wilson)

I Reach For A Star

I look upon dark night's sky.
Bedazzling Stars sparkling
In multitude of misty vision.

I reach for a Star
And place it in my hand.

Reflection of tingling colors
Bouncing amidst my open palm.

What force created such a miracle..

The secrets of the Universe...unlocked
extract from poem and artwork by marylawilson


Composers of Humanity

  Composers of Humanity.                                            
Chopin, Beethoven, Mozart,
Schubert, Delibes, Verdi, Bach,
Vivaldi, Gershwin...
          I call upon your majestic flair!
Fine fingers gliding your virtuous instruments.
Only a genius can recognise within.
         Tormented by notes and millions
         Of musical complexities...
Composers of Humanity,
           I hail your granted gifts!
                                                                I Hail Your Glory!
(extract from poem by Maryla Wilson,
photographs from public domain)                                                                                           
Maryla Wilson paying tribute to Frederic Chopin, Ludwig Van Beethoven,
Giuseppe Verdi, George Gershwin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonio Vivaldi


Playing with words

Pictures with letters streaming in motion

Poetry of collection of the subconscious 

Poems of tiny snippets of the full meaning

Rushing to jolt down thousands of analogies   

Not to be forever lost...

(extract from poem and 
artwork by maryla wilson)



Countless windows,

Big and small, tall and narrow,

Short and wide, white and black,

Of different colors and shapes.  

Fascinating architecture...  
(extract from poem and 
artwork by maryla wilson)                                                                          

Religions Condemn Homosexuality

          Religions condemn homosexuality.
          Some preach: "God created Adam and Eve,
          Not Adam and Steve".
          For I tell you, True God,
          The only one there Is,
          Loves all of his Children, regardless
          Of their sexual orientation.
He loves, Adam and Eve and Steve
          Of all color and race and sexual persuasion.
          Is our Mother Earth still flat ?
(extract from poem and artwork by maryla wilson)

I Shall Consult My Friend

 One Day, If I Shall Not Be Able To Speak,  
I Shall Consult My Friend.
The Friend Who Resides Within Me.
The Friend Who Is My Best Friend
And Worst Enemy As Such.
Are These Truths Or Are These Lies...

(extract from poem  and artwork by maryla wilson)

Diana, The Royal Princess

Diana, the proud English Rose.
The Royal Princess of the British throne.
I hold you so dear.
My sweet soul sister,
Child of the universe.
I hold affinity with you alone.
Have we met before this lifetime,
Beyond this world.
My broken heart forever.
The broken heart of the World.
Suddenly, I felt your presence
Embracing my whole being   .
I felt your loving beauty,
For only a brief moment.
Yet, it lasted so long.
You honored my soul with yours.
Thank you Diana for this precious gift.
   (extract from poem and artwork by maryla wilson)                                            


Beyond this serpent of time  
There is a vast universe.
   Stars, comets, living space
   of floating masses,
Forever expending within the infinite.
Dark energy bonded with...
   Floating, forever floating
   into infinity...
poem and artwork by maryla wilson

Your Star Was Born

Stars are Born Everyday.
Your Star was Born on a Very
Special Day - Your Birthday.
   And Every Year, at 12 am,
   Whilst You Sound Asleep,
Your Star Shines through a Secret
Invisible Wall In the Universe.
To Bless You Shine for the
Next Year ahead.
   In Your Sleepy Wonder,
   You Smile upon The Star,
   Blowing Gently Loving Kiss.
   Softly You Whisper:
"Thank You Dear Star For Shining
Me Every Minute of Times"
"Shine Me Bright in the Next Year To Be"
           "This is My Wish"
(poem and artwork by Maryla Wilson)

I Am Falling... Please Save Me..

I am Falling,
Falling slowly,
Falling deep,
Floating before my fall.
Please save me.
Save me,
Before it is too late...
(extract from poem and artwork
by Maryla Wilson)

They Want My Soul

My body alone is not enough...
My Souls is the essence They thirst for.
I feel the living, hungry breath behind me...lurking
(extract from poem and artwork by maryla wilson)