OM and Meditation, The Power of Attraction

OM is a vibration and first Sound of Creation (of the Universe). OM is the vibration of the Supreme. The vibration produces sound. Without energy, there would not be sound.
Painting by Maryla Wilson
There is a phenomena in Tibet...when it is snowing, the vibration of OM shakes the snow forming the actual sign of OM on the Tibetan mountains.
  When you say OM aloud or in your mind, you stop all thinking.
The "chatter" in your mind, does not ever stop...but when you say OM, you put all the thinking on hold. On average, we hold up to 120,000 (one hundred and twenty thousand) thoughts per day; per person. This is a phenomenal figure. This is why using OM as a tool for Meditation is so powerful, because you put all thinking on hold.
  Any pray is a form of Meditation. Buddhist Monks and Buddhists, as well as other people use OM for Meditating. 
Artwork on healing crystal by Maryla Wilson
OM can be integrated with the "Power of Attraction" for manifestation. In Universe, every "Action" creates "Reaction". To create the Life that one wants: better Health, better Wealth, better Self, Abundance, Prosperity.
Meditation is easy: To read more Go 

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