Farewell Alex, Until We meet Again

You stepped down upon this 
world for just a brief moment..
To enchant our hearts and souls...
   Alex, one of the finest, magnetic 
   yet humble Man...
   Like a breath of fresh air,
   you warmed our lives with a big 
   heart, intellect and cheeky smile.
   You shined your Star with love 
   and compassion.
And I miss our discussions of 
humanity, the meaning of life,
and music...your great loves 
and passions.
 We all knew you with Love, there 
was no other way of knowing you.
You left a mark deeply in our heart.
Farewell Dear Alex.
May God Bless You Always..
Until We Meet Again..
poem and artwork by Maryla Wilson

Child Of My Own

maryla wilson artwork
It is hard to believe! 
Child I hold you in my arms. 
Child of my own.
Child of ancient dreams.
Child of mystery.
Child of the world.

Child, who are you?
You are God-with-us.
You are every child.

You are every dream,
You are every whimper and cry.
You are every exhaustion and struggle.
You are every smile and delight.
You are every pain and misery.
You are every giggle and joy.

You are God-with-us.
You are born now,
It is hard to believe...
at least until I am willing to hold you.

Poem by Shane O'Connor


Artwork by Maryla Wilson

Wherever You are, or whatever You are
Your personality is determined by an individual Star.
That glow is important in the nightline sky
And as you look upon it you ask the question why.
Why am I here for, does the question lie above?
Is that Star shining through for a sign of Love?
No matter how much it shines or what it means to me
The Star that shine high above is my Destiny.
Poem by Kerry Wilson